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Humid air in a sentence

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Sentence count:23Posted:2018-03-11Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: midairhumidhumidorhumidityhumidifydehumidifyhumidifierdehumidifier
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1. Wyatt breathed in the hot humid air.
2. As they left the building, waves of moist humid air wrapped around her skin.
3. Her clothes were sticking to her, but the humid air didn't seem to bother Ralph.
4. The warm humid air in the pool is less likely to trigger symptoms of asthma.
5. Under all experimental conditions the humid air at the saturator outlet approaches or has attained saturation.
6. Hot, humid air is blanketing much of the nation this week.
7. First ofthe influence of humid air on flame shape(, size and color was studied.
8. The third virial coefficients of humid air are estimated with the equation of corresponding state with four characteristic parameters.
9. Humid air turbine cycle is very promising among the future advanced power cycles.
10. The third virial coefficients of humid air are estimated with corresponding state with four characteristic parameters.
11. Hot humid air is blanketing most of the nation this week.
12. A saturator is the key component of a humid air turbine(HAT) cycle. Knowledge about its performance has a direct bearing on the performance analysis of the system as a whole.
13. Going out on to Des Voeux, she breathed in the hot,[ air.html] humid air.
14. The base can also be used to hold capillary matting or moist grit for plants that require humid air.
15. Others squat on the branches of forest trees with their roots dangling beneath them in the humid air.
16. Humid air turbine(HAT)cycle is an advanced thermodynamic cycle which has characteristic of high perfermance and low pollution. The pressure of humid air in saturator of HAT is very high.
17. One ndfeb magnets chemical stability is poorer, in magnetic drum in humid air, easy appear on surface oxidation gradually layered peeling phenomenon.
18. Eider down feather can absorb the of 20% moisture in humid air, there won't be humid feeling when falling asleep.
19. In this paper, according to virial equation of state for real gas, the high temperature psychrometric chart of humid air is analyzed.
20. But in the past two years, Xining of stormwater can have, Very humid air.
21. The effects of the positive pulse peak voltage and frequency on the relative population of the OH radicals produced in the humid air have also been investigated.
22. On hd diagram, users can analyze and calculate some typical thermal process of humid air in wood industry such as heating process, add-wet process, adiabatic process and mixing process etc.
23. As for the dehumidifying conditions, the condensing rate for the humid air increases with Reynolds number but decreases as the inlet temperature of cold water increases.
More similar words: midairhumidhumidorhumidityhumidifydehumidifyhumidifierdehumidifierhumidificationrelative humiditytumiddairymidashumilitydead airhumiliatedairy farmdairyinghumiliatedhumiliatinghumiliationformidablyformidablepyramidalintimidatemidas touchdairy cattlehumiliatinglyintimidatedcompressed air
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